Why does God only save this family?

It looks like a scorpion, and it covers the four fields. The top of the mountain in the morning, the air is fresh, the sun is as old as it seems, every day will always be like this. Noah looked far and wide and tried to find signs before the rainstorm in the sky, but could not see a cloud.Under the mountain, the hustle and bustle of the city is if there is no rumor, there seems to be a marrying team, such as the colored ladybugs slowly creeping on the ground. The smoke rises everywhere, and the river around the city shines like a satin. Noah’s heart is mournful, this is the last day of peace, but no one believes him!

Time flies, God made man, and 1650 has passed away. At that time, people had a normal life span of eight or nine hundred years old. The population was fertile and prosperous, and it quickly spread all over the country. After Adam sinned, the original sin of disobedience to God was passed on to each of the descendants of men and women. A strong body, long life, clear mind, and other blessings of God are tools for human sin. Lusts are like floods, and men are casually occupying beautiful women as wives. Cruelty, like a heavy night, everyone is immersed in it and does not want to get out. God has an insight into the heart, but it is evil to see what people think and think all day long.

The tenth generation of Adam's descendants, Noah (meaning rest), crossed the stretch of the great city and looked at the world. The dialogue with God decades ago still remembers as new.

"The world is full of evil, and their end is coming. I will destroy them with the earth."

"God, you are the master of all things in heaven and earth, and sovereignty is in you. You did not immediately destroy our ancestors at the beginning, and will give us a chance to repent. Today we have not repented, but have become more aggressive and full of sin. But please again. Give them time to repent."

"If anyone repents, I will save. Just above the earth, only you respect me as God, pure and nothing. Your family is saved for eight. Look, I want to flood the earth and destroy the world. All living creatures will perish. Only your family will be saved."

"God, let me pass on your warnings to the world, and they may repent, and you will take back your severe punishment for your infinite grace."

"You will warn them, but they will no one repent, and they will perish and sin. From today, you will build an ark with cypress wood, which must have a cabin, and both inside and outside should be tarred. The ark you built must be 133 meters long, 22 meters wide, and 13 meters high. The top of the boat must have a 50 cm high light transmission port, and the door opens on the side of the ark. The entire ark is divided into Upper, middle and lower floors."

"God. I will take many years to build this big boat."

"The years you need to build this great boat will be the days when I patiently wait for them to repent. You must also preach my warnings to them. But I will make a covenant with you, because you believe me, I see you. For righteousness, you and your wife, son, and daughter-in-law can enter the ark. For each animal, you must bring two into the ark, one male and one female, to preserve their lives. All kinds of birds and reptiles should be paired by species. Come to you to save your life. You have to prepare all kinds of food for yourself and these animals and store them."

Noah thought of it, took back her eyes and looked back. Behind it is a flat ridge, and the thick cypress trees in dozens of miles have been cut down by him and his three sons. In the most open place, there is a huge ark that has just been completed. Everything is as God showed, the design is finished. The three sons are still in the final inspection, and three daughters are laying hay in each room to house animal feed.The pair of animals in the early morning were lying in their nests, their eyes flashing with an instinctive alert and serene look.

Noah sighed in the sky. At the moment of life and death, the people under the mountain are actually not as alert as the animals on the ship. God can move these ignorant animals to the big boat. Why can't people not feel the inner uneasiness, even the warnings of his decades have been ignored?

For decades, he made a warning to God by making an ark. He thought that people would suddenly wake up, but did not expect to attract all kinds of laughter:

"What do you guys want to build on the mountain? A boat? A flood? Destroy all mankind? Haha, I see you ruin your family first!"

"Repent? Who told you? God? Haha! Where is the old man of God? Why didn't he tell me personally? I still have trouble telling you!"

"The city does not invest, the beauty does not play, you guard a yellow-faced wife, but also delayed three children, hiding outside the city, what kind of Ark to build! How many tickets do you collect? I definitely visit."

Noah finally became a joke. He was famous. People from faraway places came to see him, but they all smiled and shook their heads and left.

In the past few decades, the big boat has finally been created, and the giants are unique, not at the water's edge, but on the mountain.People gradually became eccentric about the Noah family and ignored it. But seven days ago, God once again knew Noah:

"You and your family have entered the ark, because this generation is only a righteous person in my eyes. After seven days, I will rain for forty days and nights on the ground, destroying all the creatures I have created."

At the end of seven days, it is today. Noah once again overlooks the foot of the mountain. The team that has been greeted by the city has already dispersed, and the smoke is no longer lingering. He is far-sighted. On the horizon, far away, there is a big shadow of broad beans, which seems to be a dark cloud, which is slowly spreading.

Noah stood up and the whole family had already finished cleaning up. He stood at the bow and looked at him, but he was solemn.

"Get in the boat. The rainstorm is coming", Noah goes to them.


How does the Noah flood overwhelm the highest mountain?

The sky collapsed, and the ice curtains in the sky were broken like glass ceilings, and the debris fell, passing through the atmosphere, sublimating into white water vapor, and then quickly condensing into a black rain curtain. The rain poured down and the air was squeezed to seem to have nowhere to go. It is dark all over the place, thick like ink, and the rain is cold, like a black arrow hitting the ground. Thunder and sorrow all over the place, one after another, such as Wan Ma, shocked the universe. Lightning, such as the black sky, was slammed open, and like a nightmare, the scene of the world was shocked.

The ground was gone, the grass was gone, the house was gone, the forest was gone, the hills were gone, and the whole land was vast.Under the pressure of the water, if the eggshell is broken, it is divided into four parts. The source of the underground abyss is like a volcanic spray, and the water rises from the sky. The earth is like a drunkard, the water is raging, and the waves are raging.

Above the ocean, there is only one lonely boat floating in the turbulence, but the size of the ship set by God is extremely stable and will not be overturned. Between the heavens and the earth, above the flood, there is only a breath in the ship, and life remains. Before the Great Flood, the mild time of mankind for nearly two thousand years was gone, the evil and unrepentant human beings were swept away by the flood, and the millions of souls sank into the boundless darkness, waiting for the final judgment of the end.

Noah (Noah) was in a closed ship, and the swaying candlelight drove away the darkness in the cabin. They heard heavy rains such as drumming and knocking on the hull. They stayed up all night for 40 days, making them speak like a dumb voice, and they silently. God's judgment on the earth made them sincere and fearful, and God's salvation made them extremely fearful. Darkness, bumps, coldness and noise caused the animals in the boat to go into a hibernation, and the instinct and nature of God made them both docile and quiet.

After 40 days of heavy rain, the rest stopped, the water gradually became flat, the earth became a water polo, everywhere was turbid yellow, and the highest mountain did not enter the water. The underwater crust continues to drift and collide, and the rumbling reverberations are heard from time to time. The giant deep trenches are gradually formed, and the chongtian mountains will slowly rise out and the crust will be superimposed, leaving hidden dangers for future earthquakes.

After 150 days, the gods and the beasts and livestock in the Ark and the Ark made the wind blow on the earth, and the water began to subside. God again parked the ship on the top of Ararat, and the ship no longer drifted.

121 days passed, Noah released the pigeons. At dusk, the gentle pigeons returned the green olive leaves. Noah knew that the water on the ground had receded, the soil appeared, and the plants began to regenerate. The dove with the olive leaf has also become a symbol of peace today, symbolizing the peace between God and man.

Noah continued to wait patiently in the boat. A whole year passed after the flood, when it was February 27th, the wind and the sun, the earth rejuvenated, Noah led a family out of the boat, and the animals all left.

Noah sacrificed to God and thanked God for his salvation. God pointed to the rainbow that crossed the sky and made a covenant with Noah. "I put the rainbow in the clouds as a sign of my covenant with the earth. When I cover the earth with clouds, there will be rainbows appearing in the clouds. So I will remember the covenant I made with you and all the creatures, the water will No more flooding will overwhelm all living beings."

In order to protect the weak in mankind, God gave the commandment to Noah: "Whoever kills people, or people or beasts, I will recover blood debts from them. Anyone who kills, I will recover his blood debt. Human beings will also be killed by people; for man is made by God in his own image." In order to shorten the time of sinfulness, the life set by God is greatly shortened, and people no longer live to eighty-nine. A hundred years old, but only 120 years old.

The earth has since opened a new page, and humans have begun to regain their lives. Noah’s three sons became the ancestors of all ethnic groups in the world today. The various cultures of mankind have thus recorded a flood, and the rainbow has appeared after the rain, reminding people of the agreement between God and Noah.

It is only the covenant of Noah, which is only the first type of future covenant between God and man. Noah entered the ark by faith in God. Today, people must believe in the Son of God and enter the eternal salvation. Yesterday's boat of salvation was created by Noah's own hands. Today, God's salvation "boat" must be the body of the Son of God.

However, how many times does humanity have to repeat the history of sin to understand God's good intentions?


Did he meet an angel or God himself?

The flood has passed for nearly 400 years, and the ground is full of people. In today's Iraq, there was an ancient country called Babylon. There was an ancient city called Baby Bait next to Babylon. I used to feed the Euphrates River. The water is developed, the farmland is fertile, the business is prosperous, the life is rich, people come and go, and the city is full of temples and offerings. It is a false god, named Luna Nana. I bait a descendant of a Semitic. The father called him, he had a son named Abram (meaning his father), and Abram's wife called Sarai (meaning the princess).

God has visited the whole earth. He wants to choose Abram from the people, not because he is good, but because he obeys God. God wants to personally lead Abram and change history from him alone. God said to Abram, "You must leave the home, the family, and the father's house, to the place where I will direct you. I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make you famous. You will Be a blessing to others."

Abram got up when he heard it, even though he never left the rich hometown. He took his wife, father and nephew Lot, and moved to the north for 1,000 kilometers to settle in Harlan today in Turkey. The father died there. Abram was reminded by God that he moved to the southwest for another 600 kilometers to the area of Israel today. It was called Canaan in ancient times. Abram was 75 years old at the time.The Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, "I will give this land to your descendants." Abram built an altar there for the Lord who appeared to him.

24 years have passed. Abram had moved to Hebron in the land of Canaan, also known as Philip, where there was an oak forest, and he took the tent there, and built an altar there for the Lord. That day, the weather was hot, Abram sat in the shade of the oak under the tent, and he was worried. He was 100 years old and Sarai was 89 years old, but they still have no children. Without a son, is God's promise not empty? No son, where is the descendant? No descendants, where is the big country?

In order to realize God's prophecy, the wife even made the Lord and his own Egyptian maiden, Hagar, gave birth to a son 13 years ago, called Ishmael (meaning God listens). (Ishmael later gave birth to 12 sons and became the ancestor of the Arabs today.) Hagar, since he gave birth to a son, despised the mother, Sarai. Sarai viciously counterattacks, two women fight together, Abram is sandwiched in the middle, and it is difficult. Not only that, but God also shook his head and said that the son was not ordered by God. Since it is not God's reservation, what other methods do I have? Abram was so up in his heart that he was sitting in a tent, and he remembered that God had shown him again soon:

"I will make a covenant with you, and you will become the ancestor of many nations. In the future your name will no longer be called Abram, but will be changed to Abraham (meaning the father of all races), because I will establish you as the father of all nations. I want to make your children and grandchildren extremely prosperous, and many nations and kings will come out of you. I will give you and the descendants of the entire Canaan where you are now living forever, and I will be their God. The man is to be circumcised. This is the covenant I made with you and your children. You must obey. Your wife will not be called Sarai in the future, she will be called Sarah (meaning the mother of race). I will bless Give her, she will give birth to a son for you, you will call him Isaac (meaning he laughs), and I will keep my covenant with him and his descendants forever."

What God asked for, I did it, and my family moved. The name changed, and circumcision was fine. Is the wife still pregnant? How much time do I have to stay? When I was young, I left my bait. At the age of 75, I left Harlan. God promised me that 24 years have passed, but why is God not giving me and Sarah a son? God can do anything, but why not? In the past 24 years, I have been living in a foreign country, moving around, suffering from famine, fleeing to Egypt, and my wife was almost occupied by Egyptian pharaohs. After returning, he was separated from the nephew, and then forced into the war, fighting with the servants and local leaders...

Abraham thought, looking up at the distance, vaguely seeing three strangers coming in the sun. He fixed his eyes and looked at it. He was shocked and saw that they were angels coming from God. He immediately stood up and greeted him and said, "My lord, if you are willing to appreciate the light, please don't rush through the servant here, I let people Take some water, wash your feet and rest under the tree for a while. I will take some cakes, and you will add your strength and go on the road." 

Abraham asked his wife to make a cake, ordered the servant to cook the sirloin, and personally gave three guests. In the shade, the guest sat, ate, and asked Abraham, "Where is your wife Sarah?" Abraham replied, "In the tent." One of them said: "At this time next year, I will come back to you again, Sarah. I must have a son."

Sarah heard it in the tent and snickered in her heart. She thought, "I am already 89 years old. Will there be such a blessing? Do I still have children at this age? I am already stopped, and my husband is very old. It is."

Caesar thought this way, and the guests outside the tent suddenly said, "Why did Sarah snicker and say, 'Is there a child at this age?', what is hard to live with the Lord? At this time next year, I will come back to you again, Sarah. I must have a son."

God actually knows about psychological activities. Sarah is afraid and quickly denies: "I don't laugh!"

But God said, "No, you really laughed."

Abraham listened, but his heart was settled. The reason why God "delays" is to let future generations see that these are only possible because of God, and people can't boast. Waiting for 24 years will never fail.

Talking and chatting, the guests also finished their meal. In the afternoon, they stood up and said goodbye to Abraham and walked to the two great cities in the southeast. The two cities were called Sodom and Omora, respectively. They were above the plains, but today they are sinking at the bottom of the Dead Sea, the lowest point of the ground plane. Abraham had always known the evil deeds of the people in the city. He also knew that God sent the messengers to go to the murderous, and thought that his nephew, the Lot, also lived in the city, and stood up and sent them off.

Just how does Abraham ask for love? What are the results of those two big cities?


Why are they not defending themselves right away?

After three people had finished eating and said goodbye to Abraham, they went to the Great Wall of Sodom. Abraham came forward and said, "God, do you want to destroy the righteous and the wicked? If there are fifty righteous people in the city, will you destroy the city? Will you forgive that for the fifty righteous? What about the city? You will never black and white, destroy the righteous and the wicked. You are the judge of the whole world, can you not act impartially?" 

"If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will forgive the whole city for their sake." "If there are only forty-five righteous people, will you destroy the whole city because there are five righteous people?" "If I find forty-five righteous people in the city, I will not destroy the city." "If you find forty righteous people there?" "For the sake of the forty people, I will not Destroy the city." "If only thirty righteous people are found there?" "For the sake of the thirty men, I will not destroy the city." "If only 20 righteous people are found there?" "For the sake of the twenty people, I will not destroy the city." "Let the Lord not be angry, let me ask the last time, if only ten righteous people are found there?" "For the sake of the ten people, I Nor will it destroy the city."

When Abraham knew that God was righteous, he went back with awe, but in his heart he remembered the son of Rhodes in Sodom.

At dusk, two angels came to Sodom City, and Lot, sitting at the gate of the city, saw them and immediately feared and insisted that they should stay in their homes. Although there are fewer than ten righteous people in the city, God will not let even a righteous person suffer innocent death, but will save him and his family. The two angels were supposed to save Lot, and as Lot entered the city, he walked to Lot.

In the city at dusk, Lot took two bustling and beautiful angels through the bustling crowd. There are pubs, brothels and temples on both sides of the street. The men on the street looked back at them three.What Rhodes all know is the shepherd and the rich man who live here. The two young men have never seen it. They exchanged their eyes intently, and they had a happy night tonight.

Late at night, Rhodes had two guests at home, and was about to let them go to bed. The doorsteps suddenly sounded like rainstorms. The door was beaten and crumbling, and a burst of alcohol rushed into the room. The men shouted:

"Rhode, where are the two beautiful men you brought into the city in the evening? Come over!"

"Rhode, your old things will pick beauty. How can you enjoy it yourself? Give them out, we want to enjoy them together."

"Hurry up, I can't easily see such beauty, I can't stand it anymore. I have to do them first."

"Queuing in line, we all have a share. Lot, let them hand over!"

The men in the whole city have gathered together, this is a carnival that they can't easily encounter. Outsiders know their tyranny and never dare to enter the city. Tonight, two young and beautiful men are coming to the door. They can't hold it, they fall out of the city, and don't want to lose this rare opportunity.

Under the light, Rhodes was scared and turned yellow. Looking back at the two guests, they were calm and self-sufficient, but they did not say a word. Lotd gently opened the door bolt, quickly went out, and then covered the door, and everyone calmed down. Lot said to everyone:

"Brothers, please don't do this evil thing! I have two daughters, or virgins. I am willing to hand them over for your disposal. Just ask you not to insult these two people. They are guests of my family."

The words have not been finished yet, and the roar of the crowds is like a flood, drowning in Lot:

"Who is rare for your virgin girl! Our fun is to play beautiful men. You are a native of the country, haha!"

"Get out of the way, old things, don't toast and don't eat fine wine."

"You are a foreign country, you dare to take us over. Look at me to clean up your clothes and stickers."

Lot was about to defend, the door suddenly opened, and the door extended his arm and pulled Luo to the room, and the door was immediately smashed. Two angels said to Rhodes:

"We are angels sent by God. We are coming to destroy this city and the city of Omora. These two great cities are full of sorrows, and the accusation of their evil deeds has been before God for a long time. God left them enough time to repent, but They have become more and more serious. Your husband and wife are carrying two daughters, their fiancés and any other relatives, and fleeing here overnight, fleeing to the heights of the mountains in the southeast, do not stay in the plains. Because after the dawn, the plains here will disappear. ""

The sky was brightened, and the servants who were sent out by Rhodes to find their daughter's fiancé came back empty-handed. The two men were also besieged in the crowd of Rhodes last night. They told the servants that Lot was scaring people and they didn't want to leave. Other relatives are also the same answer.

The angel looked grim, and the right color said to Lot: "Get up, hurry, take your wife and two daughters away, lest Sodom City be punished for sin, and you will be destroyed together."

Rhodes is silent. He looks at the wealth he has accumulated for decades. Real estate. Looking at the servants who are nervous but not willing to leave, watching the panicked wife and two daughters, it is still difficult to decide to leave this. A rich city. He is uneasy.

Does God really destroy this city? How can these two handsome but unarmed men destroy such a spectacular big city?


Why did she give up her life and look back?

The gastrodia is bright, and the wide and thick walls of Sodom show a black outline, like a giant beast, guarding the city. The air is fresh and quiet, and the city has been built for hundreds of years, and every morning seems to be the case. Most of the stars in the sky are gone, and the rest of them are also sleeping with their eyes, and they will disappear instantly. In the distant sky, there is a floating bright spot, such as the ethereal fire, flying to the intended end.

People in the city are sleeping, and only the people of the Rhodes are sleeping. The angel urged Lot to bring his family to flee, because God's judgment is coming. Lot was sullen and hesitant. He looked around, and he saved most of his life, so he left it alone?

No one can change the time that God has scheduled. Angels know that the situation is grim, and there is no time to delay. Seeing that Lot is still hesitant, he will drag them out of the house and walk to the southeast gate. One angel dragged the Rhodes couple, and the other angel dragged the two daughters of Lot. The two daughters were careful and had morning food and wine. Their family was dragged and pulled by the strong angels to the outside of the city, panting, but did not dare to complain. Everything that happened from last night to this time made them aware of how harsh and fearful the angel’s warnings were.

At the moment of farewell, an angel pointed to the mountains in the southeast and said to the whole family of Rhodes: "You must escape! Come, flee to the mountains there! When you get there, immediately hide in the cave, don't come out, don't even Go back to the heights and never stay in the plains, or you will be destroyed." 

Rhodes panted and smiled, and said to the angel, "My lord, please don't do this. The servant is loved by you, but I am old, my wife is heavy, and my two daughters are weak, that mountain. It’s too far away from here. We don’t have the physical strength to climb the mountain. I am afraid that we will use our day. We can’t escape to the mountain before the disaster of God. The disaster of God’s coming will catch up with us halfway. My family must Let's die! Look, the city is not far from here, it is easy to run, it is a small town, please let me escape to that small town to live!" 

"Well, I promise you not to destroy that small town. It's just that you can escape quickly. Because God loves you, I can't do it until you get there." When the angel finished, he strode away. (The city has since been called Zoar, meaning a small town, now on the southeast coast of the Dead Sea in Israel.)

Rhodes led his wife and two daughters to escape to Zoar. After two or three hours they arrived, the sun had risen. They did not dare to delay, and quickly found a cave to hide. A moment later, there was a crackling squeak in the sky, and it was as sharp as a group of women screaming, horrifying hair erect, and the screaming sound seemed to be in the ear, seemingly to penetrate the eardrum. The whole family of Rhodes subconsciously covered his ears with both hands. After an instant, the sound of the blast was first like a thunder, and then densely like a huge hail hitting the ground. The earth shook, like the drumhead of the giant drum was shaken by the angels, the mountain body was shaking, like a drunkard, and it was like riding on the back of a giant elephant.

At this horrible moment, Mrs. Rhodes suddenly ran out of the hole, climbed up a high slope outside, leaned against a huge stone, and took a look at Sodom. Maybe she is too curious to see what happened.Perhaps she is too anxious, and feels that her family business can be free from God's anger. Or maybe she is too reluctant to despise the angel's warning and feel that leaving it so far will not be any danger.She looked very far and saw the rock-burning meteorite block in the air, braving the blue almost transparent flame, as big as a house, as small as a stone mill, and went to Sodom, Ormora. There was a sea of fire on the ground, and there was no trace of any trace of the city. This is the last human scene she saw.

After an instant, the shock wave screams like an invisible wave. The instantaneous high temperature is like the molten steel. The compressed air is like a shell, full of pungent sulphur, and the dust is like a white tsunami on the ground. Mrs. Rhodes was killed in an instant. The heat burned her body. The air wave said that she was squeezing on the stone behind her. The dust wrapped her and she solidified into a statue like a salt column.

In the same morning, in the northwest of Sodom, in the land of Hebron, the day before Abraham entertained the angel's oak forest, Abraham saw the sulphur meteorites flying in the air and heard the distant Sodom. The horror shock from the direction. He stood on a high place and looked out there, only to see the smoke rolling, like black smoke from the fire kiln.

Thinking of yesterday's dialogue with God, Abraham was more awesome at God, and thought that the son of Luo had no life, but he sighed and shook his head back. He did not expect that the two daughters of Rhodes drunk their father in the near future, and he was incest and pregnant, and each gave birth to a son named Moab and Aachen.

Then, Moab, Aachen, and God promised Isaac, the son of Abraham, how to treat each other in the future?