Field buckwheat encounter

The sesame is bright, the sparrows are screaming and flying everywhere, and the wheat harvest season is also their holiday. The grain of the ground makes them eat fat and smash.

Slowly, every family in the village came up with smoke, and all kinds of rice fragrance floated in the air. The peasant women rushed to cook early, let the men eat, and squatted cool, and quickly cut the wheat. Ruth also woke up early, lying on the hay pad on the ground, afraid to disturb the mother-in-law who was still sleeping, and did not move. From Moab to Judah, all the way, the wind and the servant, feared, finally arrived home, the mother-in-law's hanging heart finally let go, finally can sleep with peace of mind. After the neighbors left yesterday, Ruth pulled out the dry grass in the yard and laid it on the ground in the house. At night, there was finally a wind-proof wall and a soft grass. Although the family is broken, it can always be repaired slowly. Although the husband was gone, he finally returned to the place where he was born. When he thought of it, Ruth smiled silently.

When I was pulling the grass last night, Ruth also caught a lot of cockroaches and stringed them with several straws. When she went to the well to fetch water, she continued to smash a large number of wheat ears that were stepped on by people. She and her mother-in-law washed their faces, drank water, raised the fire with the extra grass, cooked the clams, and cooked the wheat ears with fire ash. Two people ate the most reassuring and supreme dinner. When I got home, I was not afraid of bullying.

When the sun shone on Naomi's face, she woke up. She dreamed of her husband and two sons, cooking together in this house, opened her eyes, but only saw Ruth, and couldn't help but squint, and slowly sat up. Without this daughter-in-law to take care of her all the way, she had already starved to death on the road. Back is back, but nothing but this home base. When the husband left home that year, in order to raise the entanglement, the field was pawned out. Now that I am back, there are only two widows left, the family is on the wall, and the next meal is not settled. How can this hardship go on?

Ruth saw her mother-in-law sitting in a daze, took a wet towel and let her mother-in-law wipe her face, and then brought water to her to gargle, seeing her mother-in-law's eyebrows activity, she said to her: "Mom, look, I was on the road last night. I got a lot of wheat ears and had dinner. I went to the wheat fields this morning and I will definitely find more wheat ears. You can rest at home, I am cold and go to pick up the wheat."

When Naomi listened, he sank and nodded. "Daughter, when you go out, you must find more homeowners and follow behind their son-in-law. It is so safe. Thank the Lord, his law protects our widows from wheat. Driven by the owner. But in the current world, you need to be extra careful."

Ruth nodded down, so he wrapped his head with a headscarf, drank the water, and looked at the rising sun to the east. Not far away, she saw a lot of men and women in the wheat field. Followed by putting the wheat bales back and forth on the cart, went over and said hello to everyone. A foreman asked her, she just returned herself and Naomi, and needed buckwheat ears to make a living and beg each other. Kane’s words were said again. The foreman listened, and looked at her up and down, but also very kindly agreed with her request. When Ruth thanked everyone, they turned and returned to the ground, looking down and looking for the wheat ears left between the wheat stubbles. When they saw it, they bent over and placed them on a piece of cloth that they brought.

At noon on the sun, the heat in the ground swayed the busy figure in front of the scene, and Ruth stood up and bent the waist, wiped the sweat from the forehead, and looked back at the growing wheat ears. The wheat pile is getting more and more practical. Just a few days ago, I smashed a few pounds of wheat. If I go on, I will not go hungry for the time being. She turned her head and went looking for the wheat, but saw a middle-aged man coming to her. Although it was hot, he was dressed neatly and there was no dust on his clothes. Ruth’s heart guessed that he must be the main house and could not help but be nervous.

The man looked at her nervously and gently said to her: "Girl, you don't have to be afraid, I am the owner of this corn field, called Boaz, and my servants and maids are cutting wheat in front. Don't leave them. Go to other people's fields, just stay behind my maid, rest assured that the wheat ears, no one dares to bully you. The sky is so hot, you manage to drink the water in the jug."

Ruth fell to the ground, and McMug broke her knees. She bowed her head and said, "Thank you. I am a foreigner. My ancestors used to be the enemy of Israel. How can I be pampered and pitiful?" Si caressed the thick beard and replied in a slow voice: "You are young, you have died, and in order to take care of your mother-in-law, you can give up your loved ones, leave your country, beg all the way, help your mother-in-law go home, such a wife. There is no precedent for the whole of Israel. The whole Bethlehem is preaching your filial piety. May the Lord reward you according to what you have done! Since you are leaning against the wings of the Lord, He will reward you generously. Come, follow me. Go ahead and have lunch with everyone under the tree."

When the women saw Boaz coming over, she smiled and gave her a place to wait for her to sit down and hand water to her. Boaz gave her a cake, let her eat it with a vinegar dish, and put a large amount of roasted wheat in front of her. Ruth tore off the cake in half, pour out the grain, leave half and half of the cake together, save it, and eat the rest. After eating, she stood up and bowed to everyone, and then went back to the back to continue the wheat ears. Boaz watched her go far and whispered to the people around her. "I will not be difficult for her after I leave. Instead, I will deliberately drop some wheat on the ground so that she can eat more food."

The sun fell to the west, and the people in the field continued to work. The road was filled with ox carts and scorpions, and the laughter of people. Before the Boss's servants left, they went to Ruth and watched her picking up the granules that had been picked up in the wheat ears. I advised her to go home early and come back tomorrow. Ruth agreed with a smile, and said goodbye to them. Today, I met a good person. The wheat that I took out was actually thirty pounds. The mother who was hungry for a day could eat a new wheat tonight, and noon. cake.

When Naomi saw her daughter-in-law returning with a heavy grain bag, the sky was already dark, and her heart was loose, and hunger suddenly came up. She didn't think that Ruth had picked up so much wheat in a day, and there were people who gave her some bread. While eating a sweet pastry, she asked her daughter-in-law: "Is that kindness to be kind to us?" Ruth spoke about what happened during the day. When her mother-in-law heard Boaz’s name, she couldn’t help but stop chewing and blurted out: “It’s actually him.”


Mother-in-law tells her daughter-in-law

The wheat season is over, and the tumbling wheat waves have turned into a golden wheat stalk. Next to the wheat stalks are the rice fields that have been flattened by various households. The wheat fields have been sun-dried. The men lifted the wheat into the air, the wheat husks were blown away by the wind, the plump grains fell, and the women and children received the clean grains into the grain bags. Such a good harvest, in addition to being dedicated to one tenth of God, the rest is enough to eat for several years. Although tired and hot, people smiled at the corners of their mouths.

The days slowly darkened, and the men went home to finish their dinner and returned to their own wheat field for the night. The wheat on the wheat field is to be watched. This is a custom since ancient times. It takes care of the property of the family and is beautiful and practical. The night at the end of May is the most pleasant, the wind seems to be nothing, the stars are like the fireflies outside the huge bed, the wheat piles emit the aroma of the new wheat, and the squats are low in the distance, some people ignite the wheat straw to eat, the fragrance Vaguely floating.

Slowly late at night, people put on thin sheets and fell asleep after a hard day, and the whole field was peaceful. After the darkness, Ruth left home, found the corn field of Boaz, and sat down in the wheat field. From a distance, Boaz was busy in the wheat field, waiting quietly for people to sleep. go with.

The wheat season is coming to an end. Ruth has been left in his wheat field for the first time since Boas, and he has been filled with grain bags every day. The mother-in-law looked in her eyes and never said anything. This morning, she suddenly said to Ruth: "Daughter, you are young, shouldn't I find a place for you? Boaz is our relative, his family is rich, according to Jewish rules, it should be You can also redeem the land of our family. If he does this, he will be willing to continue the incense of our family and will marry you. Your son will become the heir of my husband's family. You will go to him tonight. On the wheat field, when he fell asleep, he sneaked to him, opened the corner of his foot and lay at his feet. He will definitely tell you the answer."

Listening to her mother-in-law said that Ruth’s face was quietly red. Mai Ji is almost gone, he is taken care of every day in the corn field of Boaz. Every day at noon he asks her to eat with his maids. Every evening, she goes home with heavy wheat and picks it up. It’s enough to eat the next year’s harvest. The season is over, and Ruth knows that he can't see him every day. It seems that there is a trace of embarrassment, because since the death of her husband, no man has ever treated her like this. But what can a widow still have? Is it not my own life to die early? Life is like this, since I have chosen to accompany my mother-in-law, what other thoughts can I have?

However, the mother-in-law actually clarified this, Boaz is actually their close relative, and is obliged to redeem their two widows. But will he do this? If he doesn't want to, how can he see him again in the future? But if he doesn't do what his mother-in-law said, how can he have a chance to know her sincerity towards him?

At night, the stars painted the glaze as if it were painted with hoarfrost. Boaz slept deep, turned over, and felt his legs touched the warm wheat pile in his dreams. He was shocked and suddenly woke up and reached out. Some people really slept at their feet. He was horrified, sitting up and looking at it, a woman under the starlight curled up and lying there. He whispered, "Who are you?" Ruth, who had been restless, sat up and whispered to Boaz: "I am your servant Ruth. Because you are a close relative of my husband's family." Please cover me with your clothes."

Boaz understood her words and guessed that Ruth’s mother-in-law had let her come. He was flustered and did not expect that such a thing would happen on the last night of the season. When he saw Ruth on the first day, he liked this gentle and kind foreign woman. He always looked at her mother-in-law to find a good husband, but she did not think she chose herself. He whispered to Ruth. Say: "May God bless you, you did not casually marry a young man, but find me according to the rules. Daughter, don't worry, I will follow the instructions, all the city knows that you are a virtuous Woman. I am indeed a close relative of you. However, there is a person who is closer than me. I will ask him tomorrow morning. If he will do his part for the relatives, let him be. If he refuses, I will point. The Lord of eternal life swears, I will fulfill my responsibilities for you. You should lie down and wait until dawn."

Ruth then lay down again, Boaz also lay down again, and neither of them spoke again, thinking about their own thoughts. The stars faded away. In the early hours of the morning, Boaz first got up, scolded Ruth's coat, wrapped a sack of wheat, and said to Ruth: "You can't go back empty-handed, and your mother-in-law is at home." So he put the heavy burden on Ruth's shoulder. Ruth had no one on the road and went home quietly.

The chicken had just called early screaming, and Naomi saw that Ruth had come back with wheat and looked at her calmly. He guessed a few points. After listening to Ruth’s 151, he said to Ruth: Daughter, just rest at home and rest. The man must solve this matter this morning, otherwise he will never be able to do other things with peace of mind."


The third foreign woman in the first ancestor of Jesus

he sun is rising, the air is fresh, the morning birds are flying, and the prestigious elders in the city of Bethlehem continue to come to the gate of the city. The gates of the city are already open. People who enter and exit the city early in the morning say hello to the old people sitting on both sides. . Occasionally young people come to the old people, ask for advice on certain things, and then leave quickly. This is the most comfortable and busy time for the elders. After the sun rises, the number of people entering and exiting the city gate will be significantly reduced, and the temperature will slowly heat up. The elders will say goodbye to each other and go home to eat and rest.

This morning, the elders noticed that Boaz was rushing from the wheat field outside the city, his face was full of joy, and his eyes were full of vague anxiety. Although he is still less than the elders, he is famous among the elders, because he is not only rich in family, he is very generous, and he is generous and talkative.

Boaz went to the elders, and after chilling, asked if they saw him as a relative. After hearing the unanswered answer, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and sat down to talk with the elders about the news in the city. After a meal, some of the elders pointed to a distant person and said to Boaz: "Look, the person you were looking for has come over." Boaz looked up and could not help but stand up and step forward. When he approaches and greets a few words, he asks him to sit down with the elders and discuss the matter together.

The man was confused and waited for Boaz to speak. Boaz said to him: "Naomi is a close relative of you and me. After she came back from Moab, she had nothing. She relied on one of you and me to redeem our brother, her late husband, Elimele. In that order, when you redeem the land, you are the first, then me, and then no one else. You can make a decision in front of the elders here, if you are willing to redeem, if you are not willing to redeem It’s my turn to redeem."

The man understood the meaning, and thought that the widow of the brother-in-law who died in the strange land, Elimele, had nothing to do with Naomi, and all counted on a piece of land, and he replied, "I will redeem." Boaz did not. I expected the other party to answer so refreshedly, and then explained, "When you redeem the land for Naomi, you should also marry the curse of Marlen, so that the child she gave birth can be counted as Ma. After Lun, inherit this land and continue the incense of his family."

The relatives heard this, did not speak immediately, fell into meditation, Boaz and the elders did not speak, calmly look at him. This is the law of the ancestors, the elders are clear, and know the weight of this decision, leave time to think for him. After a moment, the man said to Boaz: "This way I can't redeem it, because I am afraid that it will affect my industry. If you want, redeem the Naomi family."

The elders looked at Boaz again with a sigh of relief. Boaz said to the crowd: "You are my witnesses today, and all the estates of Elimele and his two sons, Kelian and Marlen, will be redeemed for Naomi. I will marry again. Lun’s widow is a wife, so that the son of Ruth and me will inherit Marlen’s name, lest his family be extinct in his native land. You will be my witness today.” The elders listened and could not help but Thumbs up praised Boaz’s righteous act and gave blessings to Boaz. The relative saw that this had happened, and he blessed Boaz, saying goodbye to everyone, and busy with his business.

The news reached the Naomi home, and a group of old women surrounded Naomi and said good to her. Naomi was so open that he had a mouth open, pointing to Ruth, who was shy and bowed his head to work. He said to everyone: "I can smile happily today, just like my name. The Lord has no jealousy. Abandon me, I return empty-handed, but He makes me full."

A year later, Ruth gave birth to Boaz and named it Russian. The women said to Naomi, "The Lord is to be praised! He has not rejected your two widows. May this child have a great reputation in Israel, to satisfy you and to support you." Your sweet-hearted wife is really Will be born, gave birth to such a baby. There is such a daughter-in-law is really better than seven sons!" Naomi smiled and closed his mouth, looked down at the Russian holding in her arms, a few drops of tears Fall to the face of a sleeping child.

In a twinkling of an eye, Russia was ready to wean, and began to play with her grandmother Naomi. One morning, Ruth was cooking at home, and the child was playing with her grandmother in the courtyard. Boaz suddenly strode in from the outside. When Ruth looked at him with a heavy face, he whispered to him: "Is there anything?"

Boaz frowned and looked at the children playing outside, but his head said to Ruth: "The northern part of Israel began to fight and smashed."


Advanced weapons, arrogance, and shame

Barak, a strong man, with the leaders of the six tribes of northern Israel, hurried down the mountain from the north to the outskirts of Bethel and secretly met with the female prophet Bola. Deborah sat under a tall, famous and ancient palm tree that had the same name as her, leafy and covered with a rich shade of greenery.

Deborah and others sat down one by one and looked around them and said, "Although the Israelites do not worship the false gods, but because they pray to the Lord, the Lord will pity them and save them. Barak, God wants Raise you, you will lead 10,000 Israeli soldiers to Mount Tabor in the west of Lake Galilee, where they will wait for a decisive battle with the army of Sisera."

Bala listened, frowned, and the strength of both sides was too great. He was not rash. The Deborah sent people to call him. He vaguely guessed what she meant, but did not expect her to speak through the door.

Sisera is the marshal of King Jabin of Canaan. In the past, Israel did not completely destroy the Canaanites according to God's command. A Canaanite of the ancestors of Jebin fled to the mountains in the north of Israel and survived. Over the past 100 years, they have grown and thrived. Used on the iron ore in the surrounding mountains, secretly produced 900 iron chariots, iron wheels, each chariot driven by two horses carrying five warriors wearing iron armor, one person When they drove, the four men used long and short weapons. They have been ruthless for decades, and suddenly they rushed out of the mountains like a group of monsters and rushed into the frightened Israelites. After a bloody rush, Israel surrendered desperately and made their slaves. .

Deborah looked at the Bala nobility, and then everyone looked down and said nothing about the tactics. "Your six tribes will go back to secretly. Once the list is implemented, it is necessary to prepare a few days of dry food and carry it. Sharp spears quickly gather in Mount Tabor. After the assembly, they must deliberately release the wind and induce Sisera to lead the army to kill you. You must be sure to stand still until they surround you."

"And then?" Bara finally spoke. He was not sure if Deborah intended to annihilate the whole army. He would kill as many enemies as possible before his death, win the enemy's respect and retreat with a tragic ending, in exchange for Israel's greater Living space.

"Then the Lord will surely help you from heaven, but you must encourage the fighting spirit when the enemy is broken, and rush down from the mountain and destroy them. God will hand over Sisera and his whole army in your hands." Deborah calm Reply. When Bala saw that she had a well-thought-out, she would say, "If you go with me, I will go. If you go with me, I will not go." Deborah smiled and replied: "I will go with you." But this way, you will not have the final glory, because the Lord will give Sisera to a woman."

Barra saw that Deborah was so open-minded and could not help but stand up and said to everyone: "God helps us, who are we afraid of? Let us go back and follow the instructions of Deborah to speed up and agree on time, in Mount Tabor. Assembling." So I worked out with the people to make a detailed plan of the battle. After the distribution was completed, everyone dispersed.

When Sisera heard the news of Israel’s assembly to Mount Tabor, she was shocked. For twenty years, Israel was trembled in front of his iron cavalry and did not dare to make it. This time, there were about 10,000 infantrymen from all directions to him. Boshan assembly. He has to think for a moment, and he can't help but laugh. The Israelites are really not self-sufficient. They use the eggs to hit the stone. They have no chariots, no war horses, and no matter the weapon, they are trying to compete with his rolling iron chariot. He immediately issued a military order and pro-rate all the chariots to him.

When the chariots of Sisera were crowded at the foot of Mount Tabor, the Israeli warriors on the mountain could not help but be afraid. They held spears and fell on the ground, waiting for Bara’s gesture. Barra and Deborah hid behind the rocks and observed the enemy's movements. The chariots and the foothills of Sisera were separated by a dry river valley. After Sisera and his subordinates negotiated, they obviously decided to pull the chariot through the river valley, form a stable encirclement at the foot of the gentle slope, and let the troops attack the mountain.

Seeing that the enemy vehicles crossed the river and gradually formed an encirclement, Bara could not help but be troubled. In addition to being at a height, Israel had no advantage. Once the soldiers were connected, Israel’s weapons were at a disadvantage. He looked at Deborah, she was still calm and calm, but her eyes were on the sky. Barra looked around and suddenly found out that because of the tension, he did not notice that the sky that had just sun-covered was already tumbling. He felt a sense of heart and couldn't help but see Bola. Deborah looked at him as if he was reading his mind and smiling.

In an instant, the air flashed thunder and the heavy rain poured down. The army of Sisila slowed down. Most of the chariots were stuck between the round stones at the bottom of the river. The soldiers pushed forward and pushed, pushing the chariot as soon as possible. River valley. Rain on the mountains and high places quickly flowed into the valley, and the stream was sent out. The faint and rushing river looked up, and soon it reached the waist of the person and the rut of the chariot, and the water surface became wider and wider. At this time, the soldiers of Sisila felt panic. The rapid flow of water had already washed down some people. They panicked and ran to the two sides, forgetting the stones with bumps under their feet, and more people fell. The horse began to scream and rushed forward to earn money and rushed to the surrounding soldiers.

When an hour passed, the rain slowed down and the rain curtain opened. Barra gradually saw the situation under the mountain. The river valley has become a wide river. Many drowned soldiers floated down the water, and their hands and feet used to escape to the mountains. Barra knew that God's help had fallen from the sky. Now it is the time for the Israelites to charge. He shouted and ordered the Israelites to rush down the mountain, and then they took the lead and killed the Canaanites who were helpless.

Sisila escaped with embarrassment. As the highest commander, he stayed outside the river valley and wanted to fight after the temple. However, he watched the river wash away most of the soldiers, and the people at the foot of the shore were killed by the Israelites. He took off his shirt and was lightly loaded and fled to his hometown in the north. In the evening, he was exhausted, his mouth was dry, and he did not feel that he had gone to the Gini people's realm. Suddenly he saw the old acquaintance of Xibai's wife, Yayi, cooking outside the tent. He couldn't help but look over and asked her to drink it. Yayi saw it, put him into the tent, gave him the milk in his milk bag, let him lie down, cover the quilt and let him rest. Sisera no longer had the strength to stand up, sleepy, and told Yayi to guard outside the tent. Yayi went out.

After a while, there was a heavy snoring in the tent, and Sisera fell asleep and fell asleep. Yayi opened the tent curtain and sneaked in. He leaned over and looked at Sisera. Then he picked up a tent from the ground with his left hand, picked up a hammer in his right hand, pointed the scorpion at the temple of Sisera, and picked up the hammer to try to smash the scorpion. go with. The scorpion penetrated the head of Sisera and nailed it straight into the ground.

In this way, Deborah's prophecy was fulfilled. Israel took advantage of the situation to destroy King Jabin of Canaan.


Gideon Warrior

Barak and Deborah led the Israelites to destroy King Jabin of Canaan, peace in Israel for forty years. The new generation of Israelis was full of lust and lust, and began to bow down to the false god Baal, especially in the northern part of the country, all over the land is the altar of Baal. Then the Lord God allowed the Midianites of Israel to invade Israel.

When Moses led Israel to Canaan, the Midianites used the beauty to count the 24,000 Israeli soldiers to have sexually transmitted diseases. Joshua later revenged and smashed the five kings of Midian to eliminate the troubles of entering Canaan.

Nearly two hundred years later, the Midianites rose up and formed a camel army. They rushed into Israel and entered the uninhabited territory. Every time during the harvesting season, the army leader drove straight in. As the locust swarm swallowed the grain, the robbed crops were set on fire. Even the long-term garrison, plundering cattle and sheep at any time, slaughtering the carnival. In the past seven years, the Israelites have been tortured and skinny, and their spirits have almost collapsed. Many people live in caves like beasts, and live by the hidden food.

Another season of wheat harvest, the wheat in the field is ripe, because no one cares, it grows thin. Based on the experience, people know that the Midian people are coming to grab the food again. During the day, no one dares to sway and sway the wheat. Only in the night, people hurriedly cut away some of them and hid them back into the cave. The noon village is like sleeping in a dream, and it seems to be scared and there is no sound.

Only one person in the oak tree was shaking. A young man put a pile of wheat ears into a stone wine press under the tree, rolling the mill like a grape, and rolling out the grain. While doing this, he looked into the distance and guarded against the sudden appearance of Midian. No one dares to fight wheat in the wheat field. Only this method is a stopgap measure.

"The mighty warrior, may the Lord be with you." The man was rolling his head down, and a voice suddenly came from behind him. He was shocked, turned and looked back, but did not know the coming person, but looking at the man's hand sticks, kindness, and no evil, he did not respond with a good breath: "Excuse me, old gentleman, if God is with us Will we still suffer? I heard that God took care of our ancestors and led them out of Egypt. But now, God seems to ignore us and let the Midian people oppress us."

The man was not angry, but smiled and replied: "Why don't you use your brave force to save the Israelites from the rule of Midian. I will send you to save them." The young man said: "I am blunt, sir. How can I save Israel? My family is the lowest in the tribe of Manasseh, and I am the youngest in my family." The man said, "Gideon, I will be with you, you will defeat the people of Midian." The army is like killing one person."

Gideon sighed and thought that the coming person might be the messenger of God. He said, "My lord, if you are sent by God, please give me evidence. You should take a break and wait for me to prepare some sacrifices. In front of you.” Gideon hurried to a meal, and hurried back to the oak tree, bringing a stewed lamb and twenty pounds of unleavened bread to the waiting man.

The man pointed at the stone and said to Gideon, "Put the bread and the meat on the stone and pour the gravy on it." Gideon did it. The man walked over, pointing the wooden stick to the meat and cake on the stone, and the fire jumped out of the stone, burning the meat and the cake. Gideon looked dazed, and the man disappeared and disappeared.

Gideon screamed in amazement and jumped up: "Oh my God, my God, I actually said the words of the angels of God! I am dead." A voice said to Gideon: "Reassure, don't Fear, you will not die." Gideon was there to worship the gods, and called "The Salon of the Lord" (meaning God is peace).

That night, the god Gideon said: "Your father has the best seven-year-old cow, you use it to demolish the altar that your father set up for Baal in the city, and the pillar of Asla near the altar. Then on the heights Build an altar for the Lord, kill the ox, and sacrifice it on the altar, and then burn the sacrifice you offered with the wood of the pillar of Asla." Gideon did not dare to do this during the day, but took it the next night. Ten servants did what they did.

On the third morning, the Israelites who had escaped came out and rushed to see the ruined Baal altar and the almost burnt pillar. Everyone is looking at each other, uneasy, who is so bold? People first whispered, and finally someone shouted: "This is a good thing for Joachim’s youngest son, Gideon!"

Everyone gathered at the door of Joash's house and shouted: "Give your son Gideon, we will kill him." Joash was known for knowing it, and when he heard the cry, he walked out of the house and came to everyone. In the middle, calmly said: "Isn't Gideon demolished the one I built before? Isn't the cow he sacrificed the best of my family? Does Baal need you to save? If Baal is really God, if someone demolishes his altar Will he be indifferent? Let Baal deal with Gideon well, you don't need to bother."

Everyone was arguing. Suddenly some young people came from the east and shouted: "It’s not good. The Midianites and the Amalekites have crossed the Jordan River and killed us. They are killing them, there are nearly two. 100,000 people..." 

Everyone didn't wait to hear it, his face changed a lot, it seemed like the soul went out, biting his teeth, his eyes diverging, like a group of sparrows being scared, no heads and no brains scattered around. Someone went far, suddenly understood, and turned back, pointing to Joash, cursing: "Now retribution, now retribution. Your son ruined the Baal altar, so that the Midianites were brought in. You What is the son’s ability to burn the pillars and let him have the ability to deal with the Midianites!”

After a while, people took their wives and ran out of the house and fled to the mountains outside the city like migratory birds.

Gideon did not escape. He came out from home, climbed to a height, and looked to the east.